The use of non metallic coating and lining in combination with steel or other has and will continue to be an important type of construction for combating corrosion.
Organic coating of many kinds are used as lining in equipment such as piping , pumping lines and shipping containers and they often an economical means of controlling corrosion.
One principle that is now generally accepted is that thin non reinforced paint like coating of less than 0.7mm (0.03in) in thickness should not be used in service for which full protection is required in order to prevent rapid attack of the substrate metal.
The most dependable barrier lining for corrosion services are those, which are bounded directly to the substrate and are build up in multiple layer or laminated effects to the thickness > 2mm.
These include flake glass reinforced resin systems elastomeric and plasticized plastic systems.
Polyester resin, reinforced with fiber glass has good strength and chemical resistance.
Fibreglass Fabrication,